1 – A Library of Discipleship Study Resources

This library page provides a comprehensive listing of the Discipleship Study Tools available throughout this Blog. Most of these tools were developed by Apostle Kelvin as he was INSPIRED by the HOLY GHOST! It also includes teaching presentations from others who have taught in our Annual Rediscovering the Holy Scriptures Disciples Reformation Conferences, over the years. The purpose of the materials presented here is to provide tools that teach individuals “How-To” READ and STUDY the Holy Scriptures so they can GROW into TRUE and MATURE DISCIPLES of JESUS CHRIST, PREPARED for His soon return! These are self-study tools that can also be used in a group setting. This is a long page so keep scrolling to see all the materials. The main sections below are (ensure you check out the key sections listed in blue):

  1. Kelvin’s Book on Paul the Moses of the New Testament Church
  2. YouTube Channel – Apostle’s Kelvin and Ramona Franklin
  3. Study Aids and Charts for Self-Study or Group Studies of the Holy Scriptures
  4. 2023 6th Annual Conference Seminar PowerPoint Presentations
  5. 2022 5th Annual Conference Seminar PowerPoint Presentations
  6. Sermon Notes and links to Sermon Videos (from Apostle Kelvin)
  7. Online Books from Kelvin’s Basic Discipleship Course

NOTE: These aids are FREE to download, copy, and share. Our copyright restriction forbids these aids from being sold or published in other publications or sites without our written permission. Contact us at NTChurchMovement@gmail.com to request authorizations.

NOTE: Each link will open as a new page in your browser.

1. Kelvin’s Book on Paul the Moses of the New Testament Church

Paul, The Moses of the New Testament Church – Book (Galilee Publishing) – Purchase Kelvin’s Comprehensive Discipleship Training Resource based on Paul’s Apostleship and how the LORD revealed him as the Moses of the NT Church. It was this revelation that led Kelvin on the journey from which the NT Church Movement Ministry was born. (You can read approximately 70 pages from the book at this link.) (A Comprehensive New Testament (NT) Disciple’s Training Resource that provides practical “How-To” scriptural guidance on living as an NT Disciple and Follower of JESUS CHRIST!  Book info: size 8 1/2″ W x 11″ L x 2″ D”, weight 3.8 lbs, 3 Sections, 30 Chapters, 600 Pages, indexed, with 33 illustrations/tables/charts. Cost $49.99 through the Gallile Publishing link above) 

2. Visit our YouTube Channel for the Latest Conference Teaching Seminars, Music, and Apostle Kelvin’s Sermons

Apostle Kelvin and Ramona Franklin’s YouTube Channel – View the latest discipleship training seminars, sermons, and other great teaching content. Make sure to subscribe so you will be notified as we publish new materials. (Posting of teachings recorded at the Annual Rediscovering the Holy Scriptures Disciple’s Reformation Conference and other teaching content.)

3. Study Aids and Charts for Self-study or Group Studies of the Holy Scriptures

Spiritual Highlight Colors & Meaning – This presentation provides the colors the HOLY SPIRIT inspired me to use when highlighting as I study the WORD of GOD. I now use the colors PURPLE (Royal Heavenly Names), BLUE (Spiritual Truths and Commandments) , ORANGE (Action Verbs), RED (Forbidden Thoughts or Actions), GREEN (Earthly Nouns), PINK (Conditional Statements), YELLOW (Highlighted), and LIGHT BLUE (Adjectives, Modifiers) to aid me in my study. Visit YouTube to watch the Discipleship Nuggets’ Training Video on using this technique.

Timeline Order of the NT Book – Chart – We should read, but where and how do we begin? This chart encourages individuals to learn to read and study discipleship by following the order in which the Holy Ghost led the NT Apostles to write to the NT Church. (Provides the order and a synopsis of each book and what they teach from a Discipleship perspective.)

Synopsis of the Books of the Bible – This chart provides you with a list of the 66 Books of the Bible (the Holy Scriptures), along with a synopsis of each book.

A Scriptural Analysis of Salvation – Chart – This chart reveals that one’s salvation is based on three things: (1) what we CONFESS, (2) what we BELIEVE, and (3) how we WALK! Helps individuals perform their own salvation self-assessment based on Scriptures! (Guide to help individuals perform an analysis of the Holy Scriptures regarding salvation so they can be prepared for JESUS’ return.)

Syllabus to Teach Yourself Discipleship – Study Guide – Comprehensive training outline that guides you to read and study the significant truths that every disciple of Jesus Christ should know. Great guide for newborn babes in Christ and for those who were never taught to read and study. (Chart provides an outline of key topics and their scriptures as related to Discipleship in Jesus Christ.)

A Discipleship Roadmap – Scriptural Outline – A chart that guides you through key discipleship topics from one’s acceptance of Jesus Christ through repentance until one becomes a true, mature Disciple. (NOTE: This is an extract from Kelvin’s book, “Paul, The Moses of the New Testament Church.” (Available for purchase at Galilee Publishing’s Online Store.) (Read excerpts of Paul, The Moses of the New Testament Church here.)

The Three (3) Discipleship Ages in the Holy Scriptures – Chart – This chart helps individuals understand and focus on discipleship given through the New Covenant (New Testament) that JESUS CHRIST established through his shed blood and death on the cross. (This Chart explores the Scriptural Pattern that there are 3 ages in the Scriptures: (1) Creation until JESUS’ birth, (2) JESUS’ birth until his crucifixion, resurrection, and accession back into heaven, and (3) from the Outpouring of the HOLY SPIRIT (HOLY GHOST) until JESUS’ second appearing for His Bride, the NT Church.)

JESUS and the Characteristics of the NT Church in Acts – Diagram – This study diagram depicts how the early NT Church focused on the “Name of JESUS CHRIST” in every aspect of their “day-to-day” lives. It also reveals the characteristics of the NT Church and establishes the foundation for today’s NT Disciples to emulate. Come and see the Scriptural design of the NT Church.

Book of Acts – Study Guide – Guide to help individuals independently study the Book of Acts from a discipleship perspective. (This lesson helps you examine the Pattern of the NT Temple (the NT Church), the Laws and Commandments given to NT Disciples, and the steps for discipleship. You are provided insights and questions to guide you in your study.)

The 2023 Disciple’s Conference Survey – Study Aid You can take this survey provided at the 2023 Conference that asked participants to consider what TRUE Discipleship in JESUS CHRIST looks like. (The purpose of this survey is to encourage individuals to examine what they really know and what they are doing regarding what the LORD really requires in the Holy Scriptures.)

4. 2023 PowerPoint Presentations from the 6th Annual Rediscovering the Holy Scriptures Disciple’s Reformation Conference

What Does God Want, “Understanding your Purpose as a True Disciple of JESUS CHRIST” (2023 – Apostle Kelvin Franklin) – Seminar teaches what JESUS commanded for all Disciples. (Commandments to 1. Repentance 2. Faith / Baptism / Filled with the Holy Spirit 3. Die to one’s self (Surrender) 4. Growth (through reading and studying the Holy Scriptures) 5. Transformation (Every thought of the imagination being good) 6. Walking with JESUS (as His True Disciple) 7. Pleasing and Knowing GOD)

The Order of the NT Book Teaches Discipleship (2023 – Apostle Kelvin Franklin) Learn how to grow as a Disciple in JESUS by READING and STUDYING the NT Writings in the order they were written. (Explore this revelation from Apostle Franklin, which helps you to understand “HOW-TO” read and study the Holy Scriptures with a focus on Discipleship under the New Covenant that JESUS CHRIST established in His own Blood shed for the remission of our sins.)

Jesus Came To Sanctify and Clean You with the Washing of Water by His Word. (2023 – Apostle Kelvin Franklin) – Learn why it is critical that NT Disciples read and study the NT Scriptures given by Paul and the other Apostles. Be inspired to be transformed through the renewing of your mind so that you can learn to walk with JESUS and please the Father. (JESUS purposed and commanded that all Newborn Babes in the Kingdom of Heaven should be cleansed by GOD’s Word, that they might be transformed and walk in the newness of life. Also, learn about the dangers of being lost in Hell if we continue to walk after the flesh.)

Teaching God’s Word (2023 – Teacher Larry Watlington)Learn how to be an effective teacher in equipping other disciples. (Provides great wisdom and insights into teaching components, teaching methods, and other great instructions.)

How To Study the Bible. (2023 – Apostle Dr. Daniel White and Joy White) – Learn practical insights that will help disciples learn to study the Bible. (This is great for both beginners and mature disciples of Jesus Christ.)

“The Book of James – You Know, You Do” (2023 – Apostle Larry Carter) This seminar explains how the Book of James, the first book written in the New Testament (New Covenant), establishes the foundational discipleship truths meant to guide individual to grow into True Discipleship in JESUS CHRIST.

5. 2022 PowerPoint Presentations from the 5th Annual Rediscovering the Holy Scriptures Disciple’s Reformation Conference

Opening Seminar – Purpose of the Conference and the Origins of the Christian Church (2022 – Apostle Kelvin Franklin) – Covers the Conference’s Purpose, Scriptures that teach Discipleship, Scriptural Pattern of Discipleship, Origins of the Modern Christian Church, Saint Augustine – Philosophical Father of Modern Christian Church, Scriptures versus Man’s Doctrine, and the Need to Rediscover the Holy Scriptures.

The Scriptural Discipleship Graduation Pattern (2022 – Apostle Kelvin Franklin) – Teaches that JESUS CHRIST sent Paul as the Lawgiver of the NT Church and how his writings are the primary texts teaching the Seven (7) Principles of the Doctrines of JESUS CHRIST based on Hebrews 6:1-3 that an individual should master to become a mature and True Disciples of JESUS CHRIST: 1. Perfection, 2. Repentance, 3. Faith, 4. Baptisms, 5. Laying on of Hands, 6. Resurrection, and 7. Eternal Judgement.

The Kingdom of GOD and the Death of the Institutional Church (2022 – Apostle Renate McWright) – Teaches about the deception of Christianity and the need for individuals to focus on becoming True Disciples of JESUS CHRIST, His Bride, and His Church.

Casting Down Your Imaginations (2022 – Elder Mark Baker) – Teaches how imaginations are critical to the walk of a Disciple and how all evil thoughts must be cast down so we can walk with JESUS and please our Heavenly FATHER.

Learning to Walk with JESUS CHRIST (2022 – Apostle Kelvin Franklin) – Teaches how the Heart is the sum of the thoughts in one’s imagination and how evil thoughts must be eliminated to enable disciples to walk with JESUS like Adam and Eve, Enoch, Noah, Israel, and the Disciples who lived during the time of JESUS. NT Scriptures command individuals to learn “How-To” walk with JESUS so they can please the Father.

6. Sermon Notes (for some of Apostle Kelvin’s Sermons)

JESUS Destroyed the OT Temple Pattern of Worship (Watch this Sermon on YouTube) – Learn about how JESUS fulfilled the OT Law and purchased a New Covenant in his blood. This sermon explains the Kingdom of Heaven, the meaning behind JESUS’ ripping of the veil in the temple at His death, and how Disciples are meant to be the NT Temples of the HOLY SPIRIT.

Satan comes to STEAL Your HEART, KILL Your BODY, and DESTROY your SOUL in Hell (Watch this Sermon on YouTube). Learn how St. John 10:10 teaches how “Satan comes to STEAL your HEAR, KILL your BODY, and DESTROY your SOUL in Hell. (I used to teach how Satan came to “steal our stuff” until the HOLY SPIRIT revealed that this scripture is talking about the Kingdom of Heaven. Listen as I detail in Scriptures this amazing journey to understanding how Satan really wants to “STEAL YOUR HEART” from GOD and JESUS!)

7. Online Books on Basic Discipleship in JESUS CHRIST (written by Kelvin in the 1990s) (Subjects include Reading, Salvation, Baptism, Fasting, Marriage, Relationships, Gifts and Callings, and Spiritual Warfare.)

Teach Yourself To Read The Bible – Provides background on Bibles so you can select one, gives principles for reading the bible, and recommends reading patterns.  Gets you off to a good start as a new disciple in Christ.

Understanding God’s Plan for Salvation – What does God say about Salvation? This lesson will answer your questions.  It is filled with scriptures that explain salvation.   Easy reading.  You will walk away with a scriptural understanding of what salvation is all about

Teach Yourself About Baptism – Should you be baptized?  This lesson covers many scriptures in the New Testament related to baptism.  You can read, and the Holy Spirit will help you understand the need for baptism in your life.

Teach Yourself About Fasting – Do you want to fast as they did in the New Testament Church?  This lesson will provide you with scriptural guidance to help get you started.

Teach Yourself About Spiritual Relationships – This lesson shares with you biblical insights that you can utilize to enrich your Christian fellowship and personal relationships.  Builds unity and harmony within the church.

Marriage: The Best Part of Life – What does God say about marriage? God uses the marriage to teach us about Christianity.  This book helps to build a strong marriage.

Understanding Gifts & Callings: Their Role in Today’s Church – What are Gifts and Callings? Who gives them?  How do we get one?  How do we find our particular calling?

Understanding Spiritual Warfare in Today’s Church – Are we really in a spiritual battle, or is it a bunch of nonsense?  This lesson teaches you the art of Spiritual Warfare based on the scriptures.

Understanding Spiritual Warfare 2:Know Your Enemy – What are the devices that satan uses against us today?  In order to fight our enemy effectively, we must know him. This book shows you some of the devices satan uses today.