Disciples Reformation Conf. Info (2024)

Join us for the 7th Annual Rediscovering the Holy Scriptures Disciple’s Reformation Conference 2024 (Hosted by the New Testament Church Movement Ministry – Apostle Kelvin and Ramona Franklin) NTChurchMovement@gmail.com

2024 THEME: The Mystery and Ministry of Discipleship in JESUS CHRIST: “How-To Become a True Disciple and Teach Others (St. Matthew 16:24-28; St. John 8:31-32; and Ephesians 5:25-27)

GENERAL INFORMATION: 22-24 November at the Y.O. Ranch Hotel and Conference Center in Kerrville, TX; Starts on Friday at 7 p.m. / Saturday, 8 a.m. – 9 p.m. – Dinner from 6-9 p.m. / Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. at the Coming King Prayer and Sculpture Garden – overlooking Kerrville)

COST: $0 for in-person or via Zoom App. You may also sign up to participate virtually via Zoom. (Click here to sign up at Eventbrite)


  • Apostle Kelvin & Ramona Franklin (Host) (NT Church Movement Ministry, New Braunfels, TX)
  • Apostle Larry Carter (Life Changing Ministry, Fort Walton Beach, FL)
  • Teacher Larry & Adia Watlington (Simplicity of the Word Ministry, Dallas, TX)
  • Apostle Dr. Daniel W. White Jr. (Blessed Life International Ministries, San Antonio, TX)
  • Apostle Renate McWright (Faith Apostolic Center, Live Oak, TX)
  • Dr. John Braswell (Huntsville, AL)
  • Apostle & Chaplain Fanny Minnitt (Fanny Minnitt Ministries, Dallas, TX)
  • Pastor Jake Ferguson (Cowboys for Christ Fellowship Church, Inc., Big Lake, TX)
  • The Rejoic Dance Team (San Antonio, TX)

VISION: This is a growth conference. The vision of this conference is to promote and focus on the individual growth of those who desire or have professed to follow JESUS CHRIST. It is focused on the individual growth of each individual as the “Ecclesia” (NT Church) who are members of the Body of JESUS CHRIST and BRIDES prepared for His Return. (St. Matt. 25:1-13; 1 Thess. 4:13-17)

PURPOSE: This conference is ideal for individuals who want to explore and understand Discipleship in JESUS CHRIST through an exhaustive reading and studying of the New Covenant Writings of the Apostles. Most individuals see themselves as Christians. The word and truth of Discipleship has been lost. Many individuals want to read and study, but they do not know how because this is a lost art that has not been taught.

WHY: This event provides a series of seminars and discussions designed to teach individuals “How-To” be a disciple. Most of us have never seen it, and we are trying to find our way back to it. The seminars are deep walks through the Holy Scriptures to uncover and teach Discipleship as practiced by the earliest followers of JESUS CHRIST.

WHO: This event is perfect whether you are new to Christ (newborn babe) or you have been a lifelong disciple and believer. It’s your opportunity to gain more knowledge and understanding of how to personalize your discipleship journey and walk in the way of the LORD. This event focuses on teaching you “How-To” read and study the NT Scriptures and on helping you or you have been a life-long disciple and believer. It’s your opportunity to gain more knowledge and understanding on how to personalize your discipleship journey and walk in the way of the LORD. This event focuses on teaching you “How-To” read and study the NT Scriptures and on helping you to gain the knowledge you need to live and walk as an NT Disciple of JESUS CHRIST!

SATURDAY NIGHT BUFFET DINNER: The cost is $30 per person (for those wanting a meal during the evening session). We will email participants to arrange to collect the meal cost for those who want a meal during the Saturday evening portion of the conference. You may participate in the session without participating in the meal.

SUNDAY VISIT TO THE COMING KING PRAYER AND SCULPTURE GARDEN: We will invite participants to spend Sunday morning, after breakfast, at the Comming King Prayer and Sculpture Garden overlooking Kerrville. We will have a time of singing, fellowship, communion, and prayer.

HOTEL REGISTRATION: Online Link to Register: NT Church Movement Ministry) (NOTE: You may also call the Y.O. Ranch Hotel and register at 830-257-4440; please mention NT Church Movement Ministry to get the special nightly rate of $139 per night.)

WEBSITE: Click to visit the NT Church Movement website for more conference information, study aids, online discipleship teaching books, and other Discipleship resources.

FACEBOOK: Follow NT Church Movement on Facebook.

YOUTUBE: View other teaching and music videos of Apostle Kelvin & Ramon Franklin on our YouTube Channel. (See some of Kelvin’s teachings and sermons and past conference teachings on YouTube.)