Watch videos of Apostle Kelvin Franklin as he teaches and shares his wisdom regarding NT Discipleship and the Holy Scriptures. Two of his most prominent sermons are “What is Discipleship” and “JESUS Destroyed the OT Temple Pattern of Worship!” These two sermons provide insightful teachings regarding the NT Discipleship Pattern contained in the Holy Scriptures. They provide practical, “HOW-TO” Scriptural guidance on how to walk as an NT Disciple.
Rediscovering the Holy Scriptures’ Disciples Reformation Conference. Watch videos from the annual teaching conferences hosted by the NT Church Movement Ministry. Prominent teaching series include, “The World in 7 Days, GOD’s Prophetic Timeline to Christ’s Return” and “7 Key Tenets of True Discipleship in JESUS CHRIST!”
See the 2-part documentary on Martin Luther that was done by PBS. Martin Luther was one of the most significant figures of the past 1000 years. It is a cautionary tale that all should continually look to the Book of the Holy Scriptures to seek the truths of GOD and not just rely on the doctrines and teachings of the Organized Church. I also encourage you to watch “The Chosen” series which is preparing to release Season 3. The Chosen is a multi-season series about the life of JESUS CHRIST in the Gospels. This highly accurate scriptural portrayal of the Gospel is excellent!