BIBLE STUDY (Tuesdays on ZOOM)

You are invited to join us for our weekly online interactive bible study using the Zoom app.  Feel free to connect with Zoom and participate.

Come join us as we teach you “How-To” LEARN by teaching you “How-To” READ and STUDY the HOLY BIBLE so you can be TRANSFORMED (meaning “METAMORPHSIS”).  It is through READING and STUDYING that you can REPENT (“meaning TO THINK DIFFERENTLY“) in your HEART (defined as “the sum of the THOUGHTS of your IMAGINATION”).  This is how you can become a New Creature in CHRIST JESUS.

  • DATE: Tuesdays
  • TIME: 7-8 P.M. CST (8-9 EST, 6-7 MST, and 5-6 PST).
  • ZOOM CONFERENCE LINK: Click this Link to Join the Meeting!
  • ZOOM Meeting ID: 180 133 668
  • Mobile Number to Dial in: +1-346-248-7799 (Houston); +1-669-444-9171 (Houston); +1-253-205-0468 (Tacoma); +1-301-715-8592 (Washington DC); 1-312-626-6799 (Chicago); 1-929-436-2866 (New York)


  • 1st Tuesday of each month: Discipleship Course 101 – “Teach Yourself to Read the Holy Bible.” 
  • All other Tuesdays: Study through the Book of Revelation.  

PURPOSE: Teach individuals “How-To” be TRUE DISCIPLES (meaning “LEARNERS”) of JESUS CHRIST by teaching “How-To” READ, HEAR, and DO GOD”s WORD so they can experience TRANSFORMATION (meaning “metamorphosis”) to become a New Creature in JESUS CHRIST!

HOW: We use an on-screen Bible along with other on-screen aids like book texts, images, graphics, concordances, Bible dictionaries, charts, tables, and other study resources to equip you to LEARN to READ and STUDY GOD’S WORD!

DOWNLOAD ZOOM: You may download the Zoom app from the Apple or Google stores onto your phone, tablet, or computer from this link: Zoom Download Link

We look forward to your joining and participating in our interactive, ongoing discussions of the Book of Revelations, our recently initiated Discipleship Course 101 (“Teach Yourself to Read and Study the Holy Bible”), and our future studies that are in planning.


Apostle Kelvin and Ramona Franklin